Displaying: 11 - 20 of 20

Volume 21, Number 2 (Fall 2002)
Tags: WAC, secondary education, writing center, postsecondary education, TESL, multilingual, Discourse Studies, multimodal, Basic Writing
Volume 33, Number 1 (2014)
Tags: multimodal, inclusivity, Basic Writing, secondary education, common core, ethnography, Linguistics, culture, translingualism, Discourse Studies
Volume 34, Number 1 (2015)
Tags: secondary education, postsecondary education, writing studies, Teaching strategies, social change, first-year composition, Basic Writing
Border Talk
Tags: writing center, ethnography, faculty, Student Writing, postsecondary education, secondary education
What is "College-Level" Writing?
Tags: Student Writing, faculty development, Teaching strategies, composition studies, secondary education, higher education
Programs and Practices: Writing Across the Secondary School Curriculum
Tags: WAC, secondary education, writing program, writing program administration
How Writing Shapes Thinking
Tags: secondary education, WAC, Student Writing, composition studies, cognitive studies
What Is College Reading?

Edited by Alice S. Horning, Deborah-Lee Gollnitz, and Cynthia R. Haller

Arguing that literacy instruction is the work of all teachers, K-12 and beyond, this collection offers replicable strategies to help educators think about how and when students learn the skills of reading, synthesizing information, and drawing inferences across multiple texts. What Is College Reading? will be of interest and practical use to any educator facing the need to offer more for students as they exit their high school career and begin the journey of post-secondary education.

Tags: writing strategies, secondary education, K-12, literary analysis, Pedagogy, postsecondary institution, postsecondary education
Critical Transitions: Writing and the Question of Transfer

Edited by Chris M. Anson and Jessie L. Moore

In Critical Transitions: Writing and the Question of Transfer, Chris Anson and Jessie Moore offer an important new collection about prior learning and transfer theories that asks what writing knowledge should transfer, how we might recognize that transfer, and what the significance is—from a global perspective—of understanding knowledge transformation related to writing. The contributors examine strategies for supporting writers' transfer at key critical transitions.

Tags: secondary education, postsecondary education, first-year composition, identity, WAC, composition studies, transfer
WAC Partnerships Between Secondary and Postsecondary Institutions

Edited by Jacob S. Blumner and Pamela B. Childers

Working with educators at all academic levels involved in WAC partnerships, the authors and editors of this collection demonstrate successful models of collaboration between schools and institutions so others can emulate and promote this type of collaboration. The chapters in this collection describe and reflect on collaborative partnerships among middle schools, high schools, colleges, and universities that are designed to prepare students for the kinds of work and civic engagement required to succeed in and contribute to society. 

Tags: community, collaboration, WAC, secondary institution, secondary education, postsecondary institution, postsecondary education, K-12

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 20